Judith Tabler, Author

Rats in The White House

Book Cover of Rats in The White House
Multiple Award Winner!
It's 1901 and Theodore Roosevelt has just become the 26th president of the United States. He arrives in Washington, DC with his wife, 6 children, and not less than 43 family pets: dogs, cats, horses, pigs, bears, badgers, and many others. None, however, are a match for an infestation of rats in the White House kitchens.
As the rats multiply, the Roosevelt children attempt to bring the problem to their father's attention, but "TR" is too busy make history--meeting with Booker T. Washington, building the Panama Canal, mediating coal strikes, inspiring the Teddy Bear, and designing national parks. 
The Roosevelt children love their new home, but hate the rats. Only when TR wins re-election does he come up with a solution to the vermin problem, in the form of a 44th pet --a small terrier named Skip.
If you would like me to personalize your book, I am happy to send you a signed bookplate. Email me. Include the name of the person who is receiving the book and the address where I should mail the bookplate. The book-plate is illustrated with images of Archie, Skip and a rat.
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Dog Writers Association of America: Best Early Reader (ages 4-8) and Best Book (adult or juvenile, fiction or nonfiction) Published between 2020-2022
Theodore Roosevelt Association Children's Book Nominee 2021
"A well-researched, engaging, child's-eye view of U.S. presidential history."
"...this is a perfect book for your history loving kids or kids that just love odd stories."
Cara M. Melachrinos
"A great teaching tool, with thoughtful historic references and thorough bibliography. AND, it is a great story."
— Belle H.
"My children and I had such a great time reading this story together. The book was both interesting and not overly long so it kept their attention the whole time. We were delighted to read an entertaining story, but also find out really cool facts about our 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt."
— Janelle
Below is a photograph of the Roosevelt family with the real Skip.
Pach Brothers, photographer. (1907) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt with children and dog, some seated, others standing, outdoors / Pach Bros., N.Y. , 1907. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2009631484/.